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Mrs E Burgess - Interim Headteacher

Music and MFL, English Coordinator, Pupil Premium, Assessment and Collective Worship Coordinator.  Personal Development Team. Designated Safeguarding Lead.



Mrs N Frolish

Teaching Staff 

Mrs V Greenwood - Reception (Ruby class) teacher (Mon and Tues).

PSHE Coordinator and School Council.  Personal Development Team

Mrs L Death (Senior Teacher) - Reception (Ruby class) teacher (Weds - Fri). EYFS and KS1 Lead

RE Coordinator, Worship Council, Early Reading and Phonics Coordinator and Level 3 Forest School Leader.  Personal Development Team

Mrs R Brotherton - Years 1 and 2 (Emerald class) teacher.

History and Geography Coordinator. 

Mr V Steensma - Years 3 and 4 (Sapphire class) teacher, Autumn Term 2024. 

Art and DT Coordinator. 

Miss J Self (Senior Teacher)- Years 5 and 6 (Diamond Class) teacher.  KS2 Lead

Maths and Science Coordinator

Support Staff 

Mrs R Hambling - Learning Support Assistant in Emerald and Ruby class. 


Mrs L Beckett De Banks - Learning Support Assistant in Diamond class.

HLTA, Website, E-safety and Computing Coordinator, PE and Games Mark Coordinator, Gym Trail.

Mrs S De Banks - Learning Support Assistant in Diamond Class.

SEN 1:1

Mrs C Polley - Leaning Support Assistant KS1

SEN 1:1 & ELSA

Mrs Davies - Learning Support Assistant in Sapphire class. 

Resources and Library Coordinator

Dr C Velloso Langton - Learning Support Assistant in Sapphire Class.

Office Team

Sally Gooderham - Office Manager

Assistant Designated Safeguarding Lead

Julia van den Brink-Budgen - Office Assistant


Lunchtime Supervisors 

Mrs S De Banks

Mrs  C Polley

Dr C Velloso Langton

Mrs D Brugnoli

Breakfast and Afterschool Club 

Ms J Fletcher 

Dr C Velloso Langton

Mrs D Brugnoli

Currently the school does not have any staff members who are union officials and take time off for this role.

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