Hintlesham and Chattisham
C of E Primary School
We have upcoming open days for EYFS Admissions 2025.
Click here for more information!
Ofsted is the Office for Standards in Education, Children’s Services and Skills. We report directly to Parliament and we are independent and impartial. We inspect and regulate services which care for children and young people, and those providing education and skills for learners of all ages.
When the school became a member of the St Edmundsbury and Ipswich Multi-academy trust, it closed as Hintlesham and Chattisham CEVCP School and reopened as Hintlesham and Chattisham Church of England School. Therefore we now have a new Department for Education number and for their purposes we are a new school. As such the Ofsted results below refer to the former school. They are still very relevant as they provide us with the targets and actions that were set at the time of inspection.