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Mrs Polley

Miss Heyburn

Year 1 and 2 is taught by Miss H and supported by Mrs Polley, Mrs Hambling and Mrs White.


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Mrs Hambling

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Mrs White

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Class Blog
Summer 2 2023

What a brilliant year Emerald class have had!

For English, the children started the half term looking at the book 'Dear Greenpeace'. They learnt what makes a good letter and then wrote letters to the RSPCA asking for advice on an animal of their choice. The children have also written some lovely seaside poems and more recently a brilliant robot story where Bernard the robot loses something and really struggles to get it back. Why not take a read?!

Lots of our learning has taken a beach theme this half term. In history, the children learnt about the seaside. They explored what seaside holidays are like now and compared this with seaside holidays in the past using different historical sources to find out clues. They made pop-up books on seaside holidays past and present and then finished off the unit with a brilliant trip to Felixstowe beach. The children had the best time playing in the sand, looking for rockpools, rolling down the hill and especially eating ice-creams!


The children have learnt about collage in art this half term. They looked at artists for inspiration (Long, Goldsworthy and Heron) and created their own collages. They really thought about contrasting colours, warm and cool tones and the shape their collages would take. They even made some natural collages in the Woods where they thought really carefully about the texture and placement of materials. 
















The children have blown me away in music. When listening to music, they have been able to talk about the instruments, identify rhythms, genres, dynamics, number of beats in the bar and much more. They have listened to a range of music but had a focus on Reggae and Calypso. They have sung beautifully, played glockenspiels following scores and notes and also done some incredible improvisation. Have a listen to some of the things they have done. 

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Glockenspiel playing from a score
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Improvising year 1
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Improvising year 2
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Down by the bay - singing
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Summer 1

Emerald class have had a busy five weeks! In English, the children have been learning how to write a good setting description. They thought about how important it was to include descriptive details so the reader could imagine it more clearly. 









They then learned about diary entries. In Geography, the children had been learning about Grace Darling so wrote a  diary entry about how she rescued people in a shipwreck.'








While learning about Grace Darling, the children explored the seas around the United Kingdom and the cause and impact of waves around the coastlines. 

The children loved their DT unit creating lunchboxes for pirates! They researched what existing products looked like and thought about how effective they would be for pirates. The class developed design criteria then designed their own lunchboxes. They needed to be strong, splash-proof, have a handle and most importantly be appealing to a pirate. The children worked hard using different joining techniques like taping, treasury tags, gluing and stapling to create their lunch boxes. It was really impressive to see them problem solving. 

In science, the children learnt about plants. They looked at what a plant is, the parts of plants, identifying common flowers and trees

and did some growing of their own. They are looking forward to selling their plants at the Strawberry Fayre soon!

The children have also enjoyed their tennis sessions in PE. They have practised their ready positions and grips and were able to rally by the end! They can't wait to do it again next year!

Finally, the children enjoyed a session in the woods on their last day to celebrate the achievements from summer 1 - I'm sure you'll agree they deserved it!

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Spring 2

Another great half term has passed in Emerald class and as always, we are so proud of the people they are and what they achieve every day!

The children had a Safari theme to their learning. In English, they were inspired by the story Meerkat Mail and wrote their own Sunny the meerkat stories. They then researched other African animals and wrote non-chronological reports about them. Here are some examples:


The children learnt about Kenya in Geography. They developed their maths skills by giving and following compass directions. They found out about the culture in Kenya and compared the cities and countryside. 

In computing, the children really enjoyed creating their own Stop Motion videos. They learnt how to take effective photos, wrote scripts, created backdrops and combined their ideas to make animations. They loved it so much that they chose to do extra in their spare time. 

The children had a drawing topic for art. They learnt to develop their pencil skills including: blending, hatching, cross-hatching and stippling. Inspiration is one of our art gems and in this unit, the children were inspired by stories, vocabulary and lastly music. I was really impressed with how they thought about the instrument lines, textures, pulse and dynamics when responding in their art work. The children spoke like professional artists when explaining their artistic choices. 




































In maths, the children have come on such a long way. Year 1 learnt all about space and capacity. They particularly enjoyed exploring with the water in the outside area. The year 2 children have done incredibly well at learning fractions - they have said they will be disappointed when their unit finishes! 

See you in Summer 1!

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Spring 1 2022

Emerald class worked so incredibly hard in Spring 1 and have achieved a variety of things. 

In English, the children started with a fairy tale unit. They received a message written in Chinese tucked inside a Chinese slipper. When the note was translated, it said 'Help me find the princess'. The children deciphered some clues and figured out where in China the princess was from to help the prince find her. We then realised the story was a bit like Cinderella. The children then wrote their own 'rags to riches' tale. In computing they learnt how to create e-books and turned their stories into digital stories. They had to learn how to create digital drawings, record audio, type, add pictures, change fonts and many other skills!

The children also wrote their first explanation texts. 

In maths, the year 1 children have consolidated their understanding of numbers to 20. They learnt how to add and subtract and how to use strategies to support them. The year 2 children have worked hard on multiplication and division.

Our science unit was about animals and their homes. The children explored different habitats and the animals that lived in them including in microhabitats. They looked at how animals were suited to live in their habitat and delivered brilliant presentations to the rest of the class. They also looked at food chains and found it interesting to see the different variations they could make. 

In DT, the children learnt how to make fabric bunting to help Ruby class with their counting. They evaluated existing product and were great and thinking about how the bunting didn't just need to look good, but needed to serve a purpose too. They designed their individual flag, did some amazing running stitch and then decorated their bunting.














The children have loved their history unit on castles. The children learnt about what castles are and the different types of castle. They used their knowledge of chronology to see how castles changed over time and compare their strengths and weaknesses. They also looked at how the Tower of London changed over time and what the purpose of it is nowadays. The unit was finished off with a fantastic castle workshop which the children thoroughly enjoyed. They learnt how to grind flour, make butter and loved role playing with the medieval food in the kitchen. They also looked at medieval clothes and how they were made including armour. They all agreed it was very heavy but gave it a try anyway! The children have also enjoyed building their own castles including with moving drawbridges!
































Finally, in music the children have done a mixture of singing, improvising and playing. They have been working on their pitch accuracy and learning how to use tuned and untuned percussion. Why not take a listen?

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Autumn 2 2022

Emerald class have had a lovely second half term. In English, the children created their own superhero stories. The children used Supertato as inspiration and created their own supermarket based heroes and villains. Not only did they produce work written really well but the children also made lots of people laugh as their stories were so funny! Just before Christmas, the children looked at Christmas adverts. They looked at Moz the monster in the John Lewis Christmas advert and created non-chronological reports about bed monsters. Here are some examples:


In maths, the children have looked at adding and subtracting and shape. The children have shown they know loads of 2D and 3D shapes. Year 2 have been really successful adding and subtracting two 2-digit numbers. 

The children really enjoyed making their salads that they had been planning from autumn 1. They created both savoury salads and fruit salads and learnt knife skills to cut their fruit and vegetables. They were able to evaluate them and think about what they would do differently if they made them again. 


In art, the children explored colour and shape in their painting unit. They looked at the artist 'Kandinski' for inspiration and then used the influence of shape, line and colour to create layered pieces of art. They also listened to stories and responded through abstract art.




What a brilliant half term we have had!

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Autumn 1 2022

Emerald class have had a jam-packed but very successful start to the year. At the start of term, the children were given a special parcel that had been left on the field. It was a very sparkly star and the class were trusted to take care of it. This inspired them to look at the story 'How to catch a star' and write their own stories. 

For the second part of the half term, the children looked at instruction writing. They made some delicious chocolate rice crispy cakes which were donated to the Macmillan Coffee Morning. They then wrote their own instructions on how to make them. Here are some examples below!

























As well as making crispy cakes, the children looked at what makes a healthy diet and began a DT unit on salads. They tasted different salads to find out what they liked and described flavours. They are looking forwards to making their own salads in Autumn 2. 

In maths, both year groups looked at place value. They were able to read and write many different numbers but also compare numbers.

In PE, year 2 have been looking at team building. They quickly learnt that they were much more successful when they worked together and communicated with each other. They enjoyed playing many games to test their skills. Year 1 have had a really lovely time in the woods this half term. They have enjoyed climbing trees, swinging in hammocks and playing in the mud kitchen. 


Finally, the children have been learning how music can help us to make friends. They have worked hard describing different types pf music using new vocabulary. They discussed the instrumentation, the tempo, the genre and began to think about unison and call and response music. They have shown they can find the pulse but also know how to stand for a singing performance and why warming up our voices is important. They have made huge progress with their singing but also experimented in a class composition and began to read notation on the glockenspiel. Why don't you take a listen to their playing and singing?

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SingingEmerald Class
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Glockenspiel playing (C+D)Emerald class
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Summer 2 2022

What a brilliant year Emerald Class have had! They have all come such a long way and we are really proud of them. 

This half term in English, the children looked at traditional tales. They looked at the story of the three little pigs and innovated their characters to write their own stories. Linking to their science topic of materials, the children tested materials to find their properties and chose which materials their characters would use to build their houses. 

Later in the half term, the children were surprised to receive a letter from the police asking for help about a break in. The children figured out that Goldilocks was responsible. They interviewed witnesses and created their own newspaper reports about what happened. 

In maths, year 2 children have shown their resilience learning to tell the time. They now know how long it is until lunch time without having to ask! They have also been learning about weight, mass, capacity and volume. The year 1 children started to learn about fractions for the first time. They also started looking at numbers up to 100 and were so excited when they learnt how to partition numbers!

In history, the children have been learning about the history of Hintlesham school. They learnt when the school was built and that some parts were built more recently. They compared and contrasted what school was like today compared to a Victorian school. They used a timeline to order events and finally reflected on the why the school is so important locally and what the impact would be if the school didn't exist. 

In music, the children have been thinking about how music makes us happy. They have explored music from film and used the elements of music to describe what they noticed. Additionally, they have learnt about how to play melodies on the glockenspiels that go with the music. The children have really enjoyed playing songs in their free time in our outside area! Why don't you take a listen?






Emerald class have also explored composition using technology. They considered the pitch and length of note when creating music to go with a backing track. Here are some of the children's compositions.







The children have had a great time in DT learning about mechanisms. They learnt about sliders, levers, pivots and wheels. Once they had practised these skills, they designed a moving picture for a storybook to be shared with a younger child. They created design criteria, created sketches with annotations and finally made their product. It was such great fun and the children were really proud of what they have achieved. 

Finally, the children really enjoyed their visit to Foxburrow farm. They had a great time catching creepy crawlies and pond dipping. To their surprise, some of them managed to catch some newts!

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Summer 1 2022

Emerald and Ruby class had some very strange visitors this half term. Some of them were slimy, some had lots of legs and some just enjoyed chilling and eating cucumber! Can you guess who they were? Creepy crawlies of course! The children in Emerald class wrote some brilliant recounts about their experience with the creepy crawlies. 





In art the children have been working on a textiles unit. They have explored wrapping, knotting, fabric pegging and fabric dyeing. Additionally, the children have worked hard on art competitions for the Hadleigh Show and the Suffolk Show. We were delighted to be awarded 2nd place with our Outdoors inspired pyramid.   

The children have been learning about plants in science and in particular, what a plant needs to stay healthy and survive. The children did an experiment with cress to see whether plants needed sunlight and water and what happened when plants didn't get those things. It was very interesting to see how tall the cress became when it didn't have sunlight!

In PSHE we also looked at being healthy but this time ourselves. We thought about the importance of sleep, limiting screen time and taking care of our teeth. 


Spring 2 2022

Emerald class have been so resilient this half term and have worked hard despite Covid and chickenpox!

In English, the children learnt how to write persuasive letters and they were very convincing at giving reasons for getting a pet and also luckily managed to convince us to keep breaktime. Persuasive writing was a new text type for the children and we were so impressed with their great letters. They also read the book 'Lila and the secret of rain' and were able to use some great description about the Kenyan landscape. 

In maths, the children have looked at shape, graphs and measure. Year 1 children explored measuring things in different ways and comparing amounts. Year 2 learnt about different graphs and charts and were able to gather data and record this in many ways. All the children loved using Geoboards to make different shapes. Who would have thought irregular pentagons could look so different!

We have had a really arty half term and have had lots of fun with clay (us more than the cleaner). We have learnt how to make a clay slab and create decorations both on the surface and using inlaying. We explored using stories for inspiration and also different coloured clays to show contrast. We had the best time using different tools to create pattern and texture and learnt techniques like pinching, pulling and rolling. The children also explored traditional Aboriginal art. They learnt that symbols tell stories and experimented with their own symbols and patterns which they later used to create a digeridoo!

In music we have been looking at composition and improvisation. We looked at some graphic scores and began to think about what music looks like when written down. We created our own rhythm grids.

In computing, we chose or created our own maths problem and learnt how to upload it to turn into a QR code ready for the older children to find. Some of use even managed to record our instructions!













We have had lots of time in the woods this half term but year 2 also had the chance to explore yoga. Here is our ready position. Bring on Summer 1!