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Hintlesham and Chattisham
C of E Primary School
Science Curriculum
Our curriculum is designed to foster an enquiring mind and sense of enjoyment in science and STEM topics in all pupils and develop an understanding of the world around them. Pupils will develop the use of scientific enquiry skills to solve problems and learn how to carry out practical experiments safely and carefully. Pupils will relate science to everyday life by using everyday materials and situations and create a bank of knowledge by revisiting and extending topics.
Click on the documents below to find out more about our science curriculum.
British Science Week 2023
This year, we celebrated British Science Week in school from Monday 13th March to Friday 17th March. The theme for this year was 'Connections' and the children explored these relationships by investigating fingerprints, making a moon dial, considering the skills of a range of different scientists, testing the temperature at which yeast grows best and investigating happy smells! We enjoyed sharing our learning with our families in assembly at the end of the week.
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