Hintlesham and Chattisham
C of E Primary School
Diamond Class 2022
Welcome to the Diamond Class website page.
Diamond Class is Year 5 and 6, taught by Miss Self.
We are supported by Mrs Beckett Debanks and Mrs Debanks
Diamond Class
Long Term Plan
Our PE days in the Autumn Term are Tuesday and Friday.
Please remember to put on suncream, bring in sun hats and water bottles!
Summer Term 2
The last half term of the year was a very busy one for the class. Here are just a few of the things we got up to:
River Stour trip
We were lucky to finish off our Science and Geography learning for this term, with a trip to the River Stour Trust. On an already very wet Friday, we had the opportunity to operate the lock, take a boat ride along the river and pond dip. We also learnt about the history of the River Stour and the types of cargo that has been transported it over the past 150 years. We used our knowledge of the classification system to classify the creatures we found.
Our end of term production was a resounding success! A comedy tale about a crime wave in Happy Valley. The children worked extremely hard to learn all of their lines and the songs. The end result was enjoyed by all and was a fantastic ending to a year in which they have all worked so hard!
Design Technology
This term our challenge was to design and make a seasonal salad. We tasted a range of seasonal vegetables, such as new potatoes, beetroot, beans and peppers. We selected the ones we enjoyed, to include in our pasta salad. We used our skills to chop, grate and cook the vegetables and added extras, such as dressings and herbs, to add flavour. Some of us had never made a pasta salad at home and we all agreed we had developed skills that we would use again at home!
Summer Term 1
Wow! What a busy start to our Summer Term! Here is a snapshot of what we have been up to:
During the week of the 8th May, children in Year 6 took their SATs - they came in early for SATs breakfast club and then the tests began. All of the children worked extremely hard, both during the week of the tests and while revising!
Design and Technology - Marble runs
Our DT learning for this term, was a challenge to make a free-standing structure. To be successful in this challenge, we needed to understand what would make the structure stable and design it carefully to ensure it was strong. Once we had finalised our designs, we used our skills to create joins, bends and slots with tools and equipment. We also needed to consider the aesthetics of the marble run and work together as a team. Most of our marble runs worked well, however, some adjustments were needed! We evaluated our structures afterwards and gave each other constructive feedback.
Tuesday by David Wiesner
You might think that a Tuesday night would be peaceful, boring and quiet.... not if you live in Yawnsville! Strange occurrences were reported in the early hours, lilypads littered the streets, reports of flying frogs - whatever next? Our roving reporters were straight out to interview witnesses for their newspaper reports - read all about it!
Marble runs.....
Spring 2
First Aid training for Year 5 and 6
As part of the PSHE curriculum, children are expected to learn basic first aid skills. What better way to be trained in first aid than to learn from a Nurse! We have been lucky that Nurse Steph has been able to come in and work with us and that the costs have been funded by the HSA. Nurse Steph worked with each year group for an afternoon to train them in valuable skills, which will benefit them in their future lives. As you can see from the pictures, the children enjoyed learning how to give CPR, treat bleeds, burns and scalds as well as many other skills. They also learnt how to call for help in an emergency and how important it is to stay calm and reassure your patient. We are hoping that Nurse Steph will return this term to complete some follow-up work with the class.
Maths Cafe
This half term, Diamond Class hosted a Maths Cafe to provide an opportunity for families to join their children in school for some challenging problem solving activities based around the book '365 Penguins' by Jean-Luc Fromental. We listened to the story before tackling a variety of penguin-based problems!
In Art this half term we have focussed on printing.
We used polystyrene blocks to make a reduction print - this process involves layering a printing block, rather than indenting it. We used tissue paper to layer the blocks and printed using primary colours, in the style of artist Chinwe Chukwuogo-Roy (1975-2012).
This term, we have been studying Earth and Space in our Science lessons. We discussed how scientific ideas about space have changed over time, we researched facts about the planets and put them in order using fruit to represent their sizes, as well as creating mnemonics to help us remember their places. We have considered the work of the scientists Ptolemy, Copernicus and Galileo, built on our understanding of light to explain why we have day and night and used ICT to help us investigate the time and weather in different time zones across the world. We made models to help us explain the movement of the moon.
Spring 1
In our English lessons, we were inspired by William Blake's 'The Tyger' to write our own poem about a tiger, expressing our own opinion on this majestic or fearsome creature. We focussed on using figurative language such as similes, alliteration and metaphors and considered how to use rhyme and rhythm appropriately.
Autumn 2
In our English lessons this half term, we began by reading the opening to the story ‘Goodnight Mr. Tom’ by Michelle Magorian, about an evacuee’s arrival at their new home. We studied the success criteria for our setting description, including point of view and perspective, dialogue including direct speech punctuation, expanded noun phrases, the technique of ‘show, not tell’, as well as exciting sentence starters and varied sentence construction. We described the homes and the village where the evacuees had arrived. Next, we focussed on creating a non-chronological report on the topic of World War Two. We looked at the organisational features of a non-chronological report, the passive voice and how adverbs are used within paragraphs to create cohesion. The class then chose their own areas of interest to research before creating their own report. Finally, we focussed on a Christmas advert called ‘The Man on the Moon’ and created our own characters which we described in detail, as if looking through the lens of a telescope. Throughout the term, we have been using our new writing journals in earnest to collect ideas and extend our thoughts from lessons and school trips to support our experience of the writing process.
In Music, we have been studying a unit called ‘How does music bring us together?’ We have listened to and appraised a soul song called ‘Do What You Want To’ and a pop song called ‘It’s All About Love’. We focussed on singing by heart, improvising a short melodic phrase, playing on tuned percussion and composing, performing as a whole class and in smaller groups.