Hintlesham and Chattisham
C of E Primary School

We are currently in the process of creating a brand new website for our school.
In the meantime, you can continue to find lots of information about us here.
Breakfast and After School Club
Our Breakfast Club is run daily from 08:00am until the children are taken through to their classes at 8:40am. There will be a charge for each session of £3.75 which will include a healthy breakfast.
Our Afterschool Club is run daily from 3.15pm, until either 4:30pm or 5:30pm. There will be a charge for the first session of £4.50 (collection at 4.30pm) which will include a healthy snack. The charge for collection at 5.30pm is £8.00 which will also include a healthy snack.
If your child is attending an Afterschool School Club which finishes at 4.30pm and you would like them to transfer to the Schools Afterschool Club for us to provide wrap around care until 5.30pm, then this is also possible. The charge will be £4.00 for the session which will include a healthy snack.
There will be a maximum number of places available and so places booked in advance will take priority.
Late fees of £5 for each 15 mins up to a maximum of £15 will be charged past 5:30pm.
Payment will need to be made for all these sessions at the time of booking. Bookings will need to be made in advance of the required day/s. Days can be booked individually e.g. Tuesday and Wednesday each week rather than every day.
Please make all bookings and payments via MyChildAtSchool.
Please note that the school will require one week’s notice if you wish to cancel any bookings to receive a refund. Cancellations of one week’s notice can be made via MyChildAtSchool. If you need to cancel at short notice, please ring or email the School Office. Cancellations that do not give a week’s notice will not be refunded.