Hintlesham and Chattisham
C of E Primary School

Safeguarding Notice
During the holiday period, the safety and well-being of our students remain our priority. While the school will be closed during the holidays, support and resources are still available for those who need them.
If you have any concerns about the safety of a child or young person, please contact one of the following:
· Local Children's Services: Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership: Concerned — Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership or 0808 800 4005
· NSPCC (National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children): 0808 800 5000
· Childline: 0800 1111 (for children and young people)
· Police: In an emergency, dial 999 For additional resources, you can visit Suffolk Safeguarding Partnership
We encourage everyone to stay safe and look out for one another.

Wild Woods-Forest School
This year, our Reception and Year 1 children will spend every Friday afternoon exploring and learning in the Wild Woods with Mrs Leaf, Mrs Polley the Parrot, Mrs Ladybird and Mrs Hedgehog. The other classes will all enjoy some sessions later in the year.
"The best classroom and the richest cupboard is roofed only by the sky." Margaret McMillan